Recently Published First Aid Articles

An infographic about how to treat wounds in dogs
Wound Care for Dogs

September 28, 2022


A wound refers to a puncture, abrasion, and/or musculoskeletal injury. Dogs can incur wounds in their natural settings, and from animal encounters. Knowing basic first aid for dogs can help you treat their wounds at home, or stop their condition from deteriorating before professional help arrives.

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Infographic on how to treat paw injuries in dogs
Paw Care for Dogs

September 27, 2022


A dog paw injury is a common occurrence, and thankfully is typically not life-threatening. Injuries to paw can be managed using basic pet first aid principles.

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An infographic on depression causes, symptoms, and treatments
Depression Explained

September 26, 2022

Mental Health

Depression is a type of mental health condition generally characterised by persistent low moods. Depression is more than just feeling sad - it can have a significant impact on people's livelihoods. However, there are several treatment options available.

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An infographic with tips on how to get a good night's sleep
How Sleep Impacts Mental Health

September 24, 2022

Mental Health

The connection between mental health and sleep is reciprocal. Just as mental health conditions can impact the quality of sleep, poor sleep can trigger mental health conditions. However, there are ways to improve your sleep quality.

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Infographic about the symptoms of postpartum depression
Tips for Coping with Postpartum Depression

September 23, 2022

Mental Health

Postpartum depression is a type of clinical depression that can occur up to 12 months after childbirth . It can trigger feelings of worthlessness and persistent fatigue. However, there are numerous coping tips available to help you feel more like your old self.

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Infographic on the Funnel-web Spider
Need-to-Know Facts about the Funnel-web Spider

September 22, 2022

Bites and Stings

Funnel-web spiders are commonly found along the eastern coast of Australia. They are one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, and have been attributed to numerous human fatalities. So how do you successfully treat a Funnel-web spider bite? Let's take a look.

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Infographic of a Tarantula
The Tarantula | Spider Facts

September 21, 2022

Bites and Stings

Tarantulas are well-known across the world. Not just because they are widely distributed, but also because they regularly appear on the silver screen. But are tarantulas just as aggressive and deadly as we have been led to believe?

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Infographic on the Black House Spider
The Black House Spider | Spider Facts

September 20, 2022

Bites and Stings

The Black house spider is an unexpected house guest in most Australian homes. Though they are generally timid in nature, and prefer to hang out in their web away from predators, Black house spider bites should not be underestimated.

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Infographic on the Trapdoor Spider
Trapdoor Spiders: The Tunnel-building Arachnid

September 19, 2022

Bites and Stings

Trapdoor spiders are widely distributed across the world, though the most well-known species can be found in Australia and the United States. They are often confused with Funnel-web spiders. But are they just as dangerous? Let's take a look.

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Infographic on How COVID 19 Compares to Other Pandemics
Comparing COVID-10 to Other Pandemics

September 17, 2022

Health Statistics

COVID-19 is one of the first pandemics to drastically impact modern society. However, it is not the first pandemic in human history. Civilisations in times past have been plagued with Smallpox and the Spanish Flu, which share many similarities with COVID-19.

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Infographic on How to Help Someone with Mental Health Issues
Warning Signs of Mental Illness

September 16, 2022

Mental Health

Mental health issues refer to any kind of problem with how we think, feel, or behave, while mental illness refers to diagnosable health conditions. There are numerous differences between the two, including their symptoms and treatments.

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Infographic on Tips to Manage the Holiday Blues
17 Tips for Managing the Holiday Blues

September 15, 2022

Mental Health

During the holidays, some people can experience feelings of stress, loneliness, and depression. This condition is colloquially termed the 'holiday blues'. However, there are several coping tips available to help you enjoy the holiday season.

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